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Sunday, April 7, 2013

From Vine To Bottle: The Basics Of Wine

Whether you like it sweet or dry, warm or cold, mixed with fruit or straight from the bottle, wine is an amazing beverage which many appreciate. If you would like to learn more about wine, you have come to the right source. This piece will provide you with great wine tips, so keep reading.

Critics aren't always right. In many cases, wine critics offer strong opinions about the quality of wines, though your palate may disagree entirely. Do what you think while using their suggestions as a touchstone.

Before drinking wine, let it breathe a bit. A decanter is a great way for you to achieve this. Pour some wine into your container. Let the wine sit for ten minutes or so. Taste and compare that to a sample that's straight from your bottle. You should be able to tell a substantial difference in flavor from the glass that sat out for a bit.

It is very common for people to serve wine too cold or warm for its type. Restaurants typically serve their reds too warm and their whites too cool. Chill whites and warm up reds in your own home for optimum taste.

When you don't know what wine to serve, serve a Pinot Noir. The great thing about Pinot Noir is that it can go with many foods thanks to its versatile body. Every Pinot Noir is unique; however, its flavor is in the middle of the wine spectrum, making it a safe and versatile choice.

Knowing how and when to drink what wines can help you appreciate it more than you already do. Impress your guests and give wine as gifts like an expert. Take the tips you've learned from here and go out and treat yourself to a delicious bottle of wine. Then, go home and enjoy it with yourself or with a group of friends!

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